2.3 Release Notes (informative)

Version 1.1 of the Architecture for the Digital Sales Reporting Message Suite Standard allows communicating the version of Parts 2 (Allowed Value Sets) and 8 (Record Type Definition) that has been used to create a sales/usage report and strengthened the choreography and acknowledgement process.

Version 1.2 of the Architecture for the Digital Sales Reporting Message Suite Standard allows sender and recipients to agree a different file size limit than defined in this standard. Version 1.2 also makes handling of secondary delimiters easier.

Version 1.3 of the Architecture for the Digital Sales Reporting Message Suite Standard provides support for two additional profiles: the Profile for Financial Reporting to Record Companies and the Masterlist Profile. Version 1.3 also enhances the use of delimiters by allowing the communication of nested lists in one Cell (e.g. for multiple identifiers for multiple writers of a work).