5.1 Message Choreography

Figure 1 shows the choreography of processes that the Flat File Variant of the Digital Sales Reporting Message Suite enables. Table 1 summarises the point in the relevant business processes when the message is sent. The table also indicates who sends the message to whom.

The use of the Acknowledgement Message as defined in this standard is optional and the invoice message, although shown in Figure 1 and Table 1 is not defined in this standard.

Figure 1 – Choreography of the Flat File Variant of the Digital Sales Reporting Message Suite Standard

Message Name

Initiating Event



Sales Report Message

Usage or sale of Releases, and/or the generation of revenues related to the usage or sale of Releases

Licensee, typically a DSP

Works Licensor (typically a Music Rights Society or Licensor) or Release Creator, typically a Record Company or Music Licensing Company

Acknowledgement Message (optional)

Automated acknowledgement of receipt of a Sales Report Message file; the acknowledgement message does notacknowledge the validity or quality of the Sales Report Message file(s) received.

This message is optional.

If a Sales Report is communicated in multiple files, one Acknowledgement Message should be sent for each file.

Note: such acknowledgements can be transactional (e.g. to signal that the message has been received), technical (e.g. to signal that the file is invalid) or "semantic" (e.g. to signal that the Message Recipient can read the received message but that the data violates some consistency checks or business rules agreed between Message Sender and Message Recipient.

Works Licensor (typically a Music Rights Society or Music Publisher) or Release Creator, typically a Record Company or Music Licensing Company

Licensee (typically a DSP)

Invoice Message (out of scope)

Invoice in reply to the Sales Report Message; the invoice message is out of scope for this standard.

Works Licensor (typically a Music Rights Society or Licensor) or Release Creator, typically a Record Company or Music Licensing Company

Licensee (typically a DSP)

Table 1 – Messages in the Flat File Variant of the Digital Sales Reporting Message Suite Standard

Note that the Record Types of the Sales Report Message are defined in two places: Common Record Types are defined in this standard whereas all other Record Types are defined in separate standards.