6.3 Multi-file Sales Report Messages

For technical reasons it is possible to split a Sales Report Message into several files.

  • All files shall start with a header record of type HEAD as defined in Part 8 of this standard. Some data in some of the Cells in the header record will vary between the various files;

  • All files shall have the same set of Summary Records containing summary information for the entire multi-file Sales Report Message (for the avoidance of doubt: the sets in the various files shall all contain the same data);

  • All files shall have one or more Blocks;

  • All files shall end with a footer record of type FOOT as defined in Part 8 of this standard. Some data in some of the Cells in the footer record will vary between the various files.

Blocks may not be split between files and may not be repeated in different files of the same Sales Report Message.

The last file can be determined in the HEAD record by comparing the FileNumber and NumberOfFiles Cells.

This structure is shown in the diagram below (note: the indentation and spacing is for illustration purposes only).

Figure 3 – Overall structure of a Multi-file Sales/Usage Report Message in accordance with this standard