8.3 Choreography for sending and acknowledging Sales/Usage Report Messages

The transfer of sales/usage reports defined in accordance with this standard should be effected using SFTP. 

Message Sender and Message Recipient may use the following approach to exchanging (and acknowledging) Sales/Usage Reports created in accordance with this standard.

  1. The Message Sender shall upload the file or files containing the Sales/Usage Report to a mutually-agreed folder on a mutually-agreed SFTP server;

  2. Once the Sales/Usage Report has been uploaded completely, the Message Sender shall place a zero-byte semaphore file into the folder containing the sales/usage report. 
    The semaphore file shall have the same file name as the Sales/Usage Report file, albeit with the xofy part of the filename omitted and a file extension of ctrl instead of tsv;

  3. The Message Recipient shall download all Sales/Usage Report files once it has seen the semaphore file;

  4. Once the Message Recipient has successfully downloaded the file(s) of the Sales/Usage Report, it shall delete the semaphore file from the SFTP server;

  5. The Message Recipient may also delete the sales/usage report file from the SFTP server at this stage; and

  6. Should Message Sender and Message Recipient agree to communicate acknowledgements for Sales/Usage Reports, the Message Recipient shall place an acknowledgement message file into the folder containing the sales/usage report file. 
    The semaphore file shall have the same file name as the Sales/Usage Report file, albeit with a prefix of ACK_ instead of DSR_ and the xofy part of the filename omitted.
    DDEX may define the syntax of the acknowledgement message at a later time.